We initially developed GISST in 2015-2017 as a part of the Institute of Museum and Library Services-funded Game Metadata and Citation Project (GAMECIP). The positive response to that project, and the questions raised by it, inspired this new version of the toolkit funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Overarching Goal
GISST is both a theoretical exercise and practical tool intended to probe the possibilities of software and computer game citation. By allowing users to cite internal states and gameplay sequences we hope to create a robust collection of such records for use in scholarship, and to spur further research into evocative references to interactive media works.
Development Team
Project Leads
Advisory Board
Nathan Altice
University of California Santa Cruz
Daniel Cardoso Llach
Carnegie Mellon University
Angela Chang
MIT Trope Tank
Claire Fox
Yale University Libraries
Dene Grigar
Electronic Literature Organization
Matthew Kirschenbaum
University of Maryland
Henry Lowood
Stanford University Libraries
Adam Smith
University of California Santa Cruz
Noah Wardrip-Fruin
University of California Santa Cruz
Funding and Institutional Support

NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant Level II

Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science